About Us

Since 1967....

The Petersons' are your hometown excavators.... building roads, digging basements, fixing septics.......making the Northern Suburbs our home base, We know the dirt of Scandia MN and the inspectors of Washington County. 

What's Your Need.....

Let's work together to complete your project.....Small or Large, we can handle it.  Driveways, Building site pads,  Horse arenas, building and tree removals, septic installs and repair, snow removal, rock gravel or black dirt delivery.....

Let's Chat

Give us a call, and we can get you there.....

Contact Us

We are a hands on business

We love our customers, but may not be able to get to the phone......  please leave a message, or send us an email.  We will be in touch shortly.....

Peterson Excavating



Most work is done Monday thru Friday

    weather permitting....

We  understand Emergency Septic and Snow Removal is not on a schedule....

Just give us a call.....

Drop us a line!